in-person or telehealth


Emergency Phone Numbers

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Dial 988. Available 24/7/365. Free and confidential. Formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, this national phone number that Congress designated in 2020 is part of the federal government’s commitment to addressing mental health issues in America.

Colorado Crisis Services

Dial 844-493-8255. Available 24/7/365. Free and confidential. This is the Colorado Statewide Behavioral Health Crisis Response System.

Universal Emergency Number

Dial 911 to request emergency assistance. Available 24/7/365.

Recommended Books

The Negative Thoughts Workbook: CBT Skills to Overcome the Repetitive Worry, Shame, and Rumination that Drive Anxiety and Depression

– by David A. Clark, Ph.D.

The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Workbook: A Comprehensive CBT Guide for Coping With Uncertainty, Worry, and Fear

by Melisa Robichaud, Ph.D. and Michel J. Dugas, Ph.D.

Getting Over OCD: A 10-StepWorkbook for Taking Your Life Back

by Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Ph.D.

Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living With Uncertainty

by Jonathan Grayson, Ph.D.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: New Help for the Family

by Herbert L. Gravitz, Ph.D.

PTSD Recovery Workbook: Evidence-based Exercises and Techniques for Healing

by Jennifer B. Hughes, Ph.D.

The Cognitive Behavioral Coping Skills Workbook for PTSD: Overcome Fear and Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life

by Matthew T. Hull, Ph.D., Kim L. Gratz, M.D., and Alexander L. Chapman, Ph.D.

How To Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety

by Ellen Hendrickson, Ph.D.


American Psychological Association
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
International OCD Foundation
The OCD Challenge
American PTSD Association
PTSD Foundation of America
Social Anxiety Association
Anxiety Canada
National Alliance on Mental Illness
American Psychiatric Association
National Institute of Mental Health